Saturday, November 19, 2016

Test of Patients

Test of Patients
Some of the tightness in my gizzard has returned over the last day or two, and I can just hear my dad if he were still alive: 'Tightness? Is that all? Wait until you get my age! You'll feel like someone stuck a shotgun barrel up your ass and pulled the trigger...' I've got my fingers crossed that I'm going to pass my test on Wednesday. I'm drinking all the fluid I can in the meantime and giving my bladder a good workout.

I'm pretty sure I've figured out what happened to me now. It was my hard bed. When your mattress is too firm, it puts pressure on your organs. There's a valve on the kidney that sticks out from your back, kind of a spongy little thing that looks like cauliflower, and if it gets poked too hard, it clenches into a pucker and sucks out all the bile from your gall bladder and pumps it out your nose. You just think you have a cold at first, until you see that your mucus burns holes in your clothing. It burns out all the hairs in your nose so you can't smell anymore and may not realize you are ill. That's probably how it got so far along before we discovered it. Those hospital staff are lucky I used to work in a furniture store and have an expert knowledge of beds.
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