Saturday, November 19, 2016

Brutal Recall

Brutal Recall
I wonder if anyone remembers the last time I needed medical attention for my abdomen. It was very similar to this most recent experience, and I was online, joking about it with my emergency room humor. Only this was back when NBC talk show stars would grab my posts and use them as comedy as soon as I shared them, no matter how serious they might have been. And as soon as anyone saw one of those TV stars with my posts, I was immediately seen as the fraud. It didn't matter that I was a musician. It didn't matter that I didn't want to be a comedian. It didn't matter that I was the one who just got out of the hospital. It only mattered that they saw it on TV and that made me the bad guy, the bad guy to be hated, the bad guy to be rejected and mocked and whose health service might even be affected, depending on the professionalism of the staff. I managed to survive to now, but it was no thanks to these untalented TV stars who make me look like a liar when I need to receive good medical service. I hope for a different outcome this time.

(By the way, we should be sweeping all those unauthorized videos of my music off the web if those last two music posts to my YouTube account changed anything.)

I think I know the cure. We don't need to hack out any organs or anything, it can all be controlled by improved sleeping conditions. I need to be able to sleep vertically. Surely this can't be too hard to accomplish. It's a simple matter of supporting my body in a harness of some sort that suspends me with my feet still touching the floor. We might have some problems with my legs going to sleep at first, but maybe we can get a nurse to help out with my circulation for while, just until I get on my feet.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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