Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nothing to Miss

Nothing to Miss
One of my co-tenants really loves his cable TV and he's been shooting me inimical glances lately, probably because of what's been happening to the TV around my blogs. I think he may resent me a little bit for screwing up his cable experience and possibly adding to his cable bill. Of course, I did not set out to hurt the cable company the way they hurt me with their crime. This is simple justice and as far as I'm concerned, the cable company hurt itself on my copyright protection. But I like this guy. He's a pretty nice, mellow dude. So for his sake and for the sake of other cable TV fans like him, I will offer the following advice to help him cope with the loss of his favourite stars or shows.

Nothing has been lost essentially. The work that made these stars look so good is all back here in my account. It took me seven years of constant labour, but I did it. And now you can recover any laugh that you once got from the Simpsons or Saturday Night Live or the Tonight Show or any of the shows that robbed me by simply consulting my index for either a comedy script or an amusing statement. The music need not be missed either. It's all here again, at least the most rocking songs, of which the women inspired me to write so many. (That Justin Beiber song that uses the word 'man' in the chorus, though, might be one of my pop songs from the past and it's probably still on the radio because I haven't mentioned it specifically until now. I don't think Beiber wrote that song. The lyrics are more my style of clever quips. And the melody is more my honed down style of simple but elegant composition. It's a very catchy song compared to anything else I've heard from him. We should investigate this song and find out who really wrote it.) The only thing that has been lost is the false image of greatness enjoyed by so many frauds who stole my songs and/or blogs in the last ten years.

What does a dirty fraud show like Saturday Night Live achieve by staying on the air after being caught stealing so much of its content? The only thing I can think of is image recovery at the expense of their fraud victim. As long as they stay on TV, they make fraud with my work look like an okay thing to do. The broadcasters think it's okay to commit whole years of fraud with my content and leave me to get treated like shit and they want you to think the same way. When they leave a dirty show like SNL on the air, it may trick you into thinking that I'm an insignificant piece of shit who deserves to be constantly raped and robbed. But if the show has been cancelled, it's because you don't like it anymore and the network will make more money by getting rid of it.

Maybe my poetry offered a few laughs when it was turned into comedy sketches, but as poetry it offers far more. Good poetry may offer enlightenment, such as the message of the Tartar War about war's tendency to dehumanize. And look what happens when NBC steals this poem and turns it into comedy: a G.I. in war torn Iraq makes a YouTube video of puppy abuse and posts it on the web from sheer spite! Gee, how dehumanized of him. What a coincidence!

Just because I can't get on the TV and impress you all right now doesn't mean I'm not doing important work as a poet. Time will tell how important my poems are. We write rhyming verses for posterity. We write them to immortalize our lives for future generations. Maybe classrooms around the world will study my verses one day, maybe after I'm dead and gone.

On a final note, I got word back from the hospital today and they will fax me the results of my scan. It doesn't sound like I will require any surgery just yet. I was praying to the Lord for a kinky nurse. She doesn't have to be redhead, as long as she has the right, adventurous type of attitude. Alas, I must wait a while longer for that prayer to be answered.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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