Monday, December 12, 2016

Heartfelt Melody

Heartfelt Melody
I'm quite deaf at the moment, even though I removed my earplugs last night. When I keep them in for long periods, my earl canals swell shut and may remain like that for days after I take them out. But I was still able to hear the pretentious guitar solo of some musical asshole who thinks he deserves to sail past me when I already had more hit songs than I can count playing on the radio before he probably even knew how to play. (Yes, from the portable radio of another unwelcome stranger in the street.) So now I must talk about music a little bit and about why I have so much confidence in my songs and so little regard for the annoying efforts of certain attention seeking bands in my sphere.

I may have already told you that I see music as fitting broadly into two main categories: music of the head or hands and music of the heart. The first may be impressive in terms of having a lot of notes in it or demanding a high level of manual dexterity to play but offers no lasting spiritual reward, tending to want a simpler, overall defining melody and/or lyrics, and may be forgotten as quickly as it reaches its conclusion. I may have described the pretentious guitar solos in such songs as sounding more like the work of a typist than of an artist. Roger Waters may be seen patiently prompting the great lead guitarist David Gilmore to avoid such a result in his documentary of the studio sessions for his Dark Side of the Moon album. An artist himself, Waters must know exactly what I mean by this statement. Less is often more when it comes to expressing one's heart.

My best rock stands up against any great song from bands of the past or present. You could follow just about any great band from the Beatles to Deep Purple to Nirvana with a song like my Nonchalant and my song would stand up very nicely. The radio stations already knew this nine years ago when they stole all my music to make their stations able to meet the risen standards of the public caused by my sharing of my music online at that time. And now that they can't play these songs anymore, I think the gap in the rock radio's sound quality is probably quite obvious to everyone, and if it could be filled with a host of new bands such as those they are shoving in my face at the moment, they would not have needed to steal nearly every song I ever shared on the web in the first place and give each hit to a different band.

The rock radio people liked my music because, in their own words, my songs 'didn't suck cock'. This is the best kind of music to win over listeners who want to feel secure about trusting the musicians and radio stations for whom they open their hearts. If you don't trust someone for, say, being too selfish in his motives for authoring music, you won't open your heart to the person because you want to protect yourself from deep emotional injury. See how they used my warm musical love to sell their sponsor's wares? Now that I have exposed their fraud, the truth of their behavior has likely inflicted deep emotional wounds on a multitude of formerly trusting rock radio listeners. Beyond that, I have proven that my songs are works of my heart by having been able to forget them with my head only to rewrite them from my bitter life experience and have them turn out more or less identical to my first recordings of them.

A real artist or a real poet or a real musician is primarily concerned with beauty, not with power. A good composer focuses entirely on his music to make it as beautiful as he can. Any power that may be awarded to him for his efforts is received inadvertently, rather than by his deliberate choice. I think that most people are capable of distinguishing between such real artists and people who want to be stars, as long as the latter group is confined to playing their own songs. Therefore, these desperate displays of talent by my self appointed competitors do not discourage me, they merely annoy me.

On another issue, is Nickleback in prison? What is the 'crew' up to in the Post Office across the street? Are they still trying to frame me? Where were they the last few days after I mentioned them here in my post last week? And what did Blue Rodeo steal? Do we have to wait until I rewrite the song before you prosecute them? And has Justin Beiber been tested for that song about being a man, the only good song I ever heard him sing? Is he in trouble? Is his mentor Seal in prison for stealing Bad News and Beguiled from me? Is Saturday Night Live in prison? Is Jay Leno in prison? Do I have to wait until I have my lawyer's fee to get answers to these questions? Are my criminal adversaries stepping up their assaults against my work and my image in anticipation of the crushing legal action that hangs over their heads like the sword of Damacles? These are some heavy questions I must ask over and over in my solitary state. Almost makes me think we're living in a criminal shithole or something. Can I be faulted for arriving at this conclusion under these circumstances? How's Telus? Are they all sold out at the lost and found? What price do we pay for their proud monolith in the center of our city? They'd never tell us, would they? They'd wait and let Almighty God tell us, after it's too late.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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