Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Word from the Wise

A Word from the Wise
Among persons with the talent to become stars, it is unusual to find one who is not in a rush to make it big. The pull of success on my eager peers has left me entirely alone to study my situation and write a comprehensive account which I think will be of use to artists in the years and centuries to come. The internet is, after all, a recently erected monument, which stands to link the faces of the present with the people of the distant future. And when those people look all the way back to the dawn of the internet, just as we look back now to the dawn of recorded history by consulting the first ancient scrolls, they will find my face prominently displayed. And I even have poetry to share with them, just like the author of Gilgamesh. Jesus said that a prophet is seldom recognized in his own time and that it is a great honor to be rejected by one's peers, as long as it is for the sake of truth. That describes me rather well. In fact, there is much more to me than just my singing and playing and joking around. I am a very serious author who is alone fit to prepare the stars of the future for the life that awaits them. I'm the only 'star' - if you'll permit that term - with the skills and disposition to be a teacher to other stars. These old radio stars and TV stars are dinosaurs. The internet is here now and it is capable of making any one of us a star. Old dinosaur stars were prepared for the effects of stardom by their dinosaur auxiliaries in the broadcasting business, but when these new web stars get famous, no one will be around to tell them how to handle it. That's where I come in. As the only star at the moment who is apparently capable of thinking outside of his own selfish interests, I must devote myself to the task of teaching web stars how to handle the effects of stardom - along with following through on my own career.

While words play an important role in this lesson, my example will be just as important. Just simply surviving the brutality which I report here so frequently is a part of the lesson I am teaching these artists of the present to the future. They must know that they are secure with their copyright protection. They must be able to walk down the street as confidently as I do and endure vicious threats. They must be unafraid to face a whole host of wealthy stars when they are alone as I do. No one else is going to be able to give them the kind of hope that I can. And I practiced my songs again this afternoon. They're coming together well. I enjoy playing them. They're fun to play and I'm going to have fun performing them.

Now about people who issue feeble threats from passing hatchbacks, why don't they give up? I've been around since 1999 on the web and I would have made it by 2010 if only someone like myself had come along to give me hope before the dinosaur TV and the dinosaur radio and their dinosaur stars went nuts from envy and stole everything I had online. But I had to teach myself first, I guess, before I could teach anyone else. I'm going to be successful now.

Here is another lesson for the stars of the future: when you state something strong, you may be forced to repeat it over and over to convince people you are serious. Everyone knows you don't get away with lying about stars stealing your work on the web. Everyone knows, for instance, that if I were lying about any of the claims I have made in over my copyright, this account would be offline and I would be in jail or prison. But in my case, the TV shows and TV stars I said were stealing my posts have disappeared from the TV. And the songs I said were stolen from me by commercial bands have disappeared from the radio. And now all my enemies have is their arrogance to fight their battles with. They have no music or comedy of their own. They just have feeble threats like 'I'm going to cut your tongue' or dead end insinuations like 'someone should do you harm'. But I can repeat their words for public examination and ask for detail, which puts them on the spot. And if they contradict any new statements I make, I can repeat them. For instance: I think I should be allowed to pistol whip Nickleback's arrogant face to a bloody pulp after they stole my music and had an orgy with it on my doorstep for nine years. And what song or songs of mine did Blue Rodeo steal in 2007? Do I have to rewrite them from scratch or can I just have them tested for anything that sounds better than their own? And is Justin Beiber in trouble for that song he didn't write about being a man, the only good song I ever heard him sing? And is Seal in a cell for stealing Beguiled and Bad News? And is Mike Myers in prison for stealing Orcastra and Austin Powers? Stars of the future, you have nothing to fear by protecting your copyright like I am doing by these statements now. And don't erase your creative work, no matter how unpleasant the envious ones around you make your life. Don't erase it even if you don't like it. If you're feeling the kinds of effects I have been discussing in this account, it is your destiny to be a big star and erasing your work will only slow down your inevitable success, adding to your discomfort.

That's it for now, I guess. And my hearing came back to me last night. Got full hearing restored to my right ear and almost full hearing in my left. Hope I don't have to jam them with silicone again anytime too soon. I like listening to my music as loud as possible in my headphones. Hope you liked that last script. Can't recall if I shared it in '07, but I thought I should post a little dialogue today since I haven't done one in a while. Back to the old statements index. It's almost caught up to the present now. Won't have much of a song chronology to write this year, though. 2016 was mostly a poetry year.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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