Saturday, December 31, 2016

How Many Years?

How Many Years?
Another year passed. And I only wrote three songs this year because I was so busy writing those poems all summer, those poems that NBC stole for their comedy shows. And while I was struggling with that, it sounded like Nickleback made some sort of radio comeback this summer. Wasn't that a Nicklback hate song I heard coming out of someone's passing god damned vehicle? They sounded better with my music.

Yes, everyone. Nickleback stole my music. Remember when I rewrote Fool's Paradise in 2014? It came out of my Capitalism Is Immoral blog. That's how I wrote it the first time. And they let Nickleback commit fraud with a song that condemns fraud as something more fit for a fool's paradise. And did you all want them to make a comeback after that? I would have thought that only the broadcasters would want their hate heroes to make a comeback after I already exposed their ugly fraud with my music for two years.

Nickleback's crime's with my songs, their chopping out of my choruses and butchering of my compositions, predates the albums spanning fraud of the Crystalids. Who enabled the hours long music fraud if the Crystalids? Nickleback and their eager supporters on the radio and TV.

Now it seems that these broadcasters can only feel good if a monstrous fraud is receiving sexual favors from my fans for stealing my work and lying to the world with it. This is the kind of thing that must sexually arouse broadcasters because they desperately need women to love the pricks who steal my music. The big labels and the broadcasters want every fraud in the world to have their own college sweetheart with something I wrote and shared. And of course, they want me to have nothing and they want to call me an ass when I complain about it.

So that's two years now since I posted Fool's Paradise in Capitalism Is Immoral, but if you read to the events of this summer, you'll see that I was getting shortchanged in my transactions this summer, while Nickleback were being admired. So how many years am I going to have to wait for people to notice me? I first wrote the song nine years ago. It got a lot of airplay since then. I rewrote it two years ago. Is there some reason why it went from being hyped on the radio as a great song to being totally ignored? Did everyone only want to like it when Nickleback had it? I doubt it. I think that it's just the broadcasters who only like it when Nickleback has it and they want to spread their malicious, poisonous hate to all the people who tune in their broadcasts.

How many more years am I going to put up with this arrogant, criminal hate from commercial broadcasters? It's totally fucking unreasonable. It's illegal, for Christ's sake. These lawbreaking assholes are on a power trip and they've been using my songs and blogs to destroy my fucking life for at least ten years. Do we let these snobs just trample all over us? Do you want me to give up and let them tear my work to pieces again? How many years has this been happening to me now? I guess they want to waste my entire life with their fucking pathetic lies.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Staggering Vision

Staggering Vision

I've been rehearsing my song Stagger and it has helped me to think of the right imagery for its promotional video. We're going to need a good looking stunt woman for it, maybe someone with training, to handle the assault scenes. Her boyfriend can be played by just about anyone - not me, though. He likes to get drunk and smack her around, which I need very realistic footage of, while she only likes violence in the bedroom and nowhere else.

The first verse can be a bedroom scene. He's sitting next to her and she's browsing on her ipad. Just when he's about to drive her, she shows him my song and hands him a guitar when she is topless and gets him to learn how to sing and play it. With his hands occupied, she avoids the assault.

In the second verse he plays my song in front of a crowd and soon becomes a rock star while she enrols in a martial arts program. Everything's happy up to there, but then when the song gets to that middle part about being on a circular course, he's back into the booze. You can tell by the hazy music.

Naturally, by the last verse, he comes home in a violent mood. He crashes through the door of his home and heads aggressively for her, crying 'your demolition will have no further cost!' But she made him and can also break him, which she proves with a reflexive and deadly thrust to his vertebrae, paralyzing him from the neck down. That's when I appear in the video as the new man in her life, knocking on the front door to install her new fridge. I unstrap the fridge from the dolly and then I strap her in with bungy chords and cart her away. The scene ends with us disappearing into the back of the delivery van and riding off into the sunset. Her unfortunate ex will have to adjust to his new life in a wheelchair on his own.

If any models or actresses are interested in appearing in this production, it wouldn't cost them much. Just come and see me in person about it. I make all the important decisions about these things.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2016. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter
I practiced my songs again yesterday. There's no hurry to get me out on a stage with my songs, is there? Funny how there was such a mad rush to get those fraud bands out on a stage with them and now no one even notices that I have them. And when people were all excited to see my songs getting played on a stage, where was I? Oh right, cleaning off dried egg yolk from my window. Well, why should you want to get excited over my music now?

I was thinking about what one of those violators of my copyrights was saying about me, since we all hear from these people all the time to give them the chance to defend their crimes with my work and my life, and he was saying that I'm a pussy. He must have read that post where I confessed that I broke down and cried. Yes, I cry - but only when I feel pain. This is the kind of pain that a person who steals my work would not know. I'm a sensitive person, very acutely receptive to various forms of pain. But this is not entirely a weakness.

My sensitivity also gives my songs and blogs a certain edge. I am able to connect with others by being able to show evidence of sharing their feelings in my work. You must have a heart to be able to write my work. This heart forces you to feel pain but gives you the authority to express it well to others.

All of the stars who stole my music and comedy are incapable of producing my work because they lack the heart to produce my work. Stealing music or poetry is the act of a heartless psychopath and it follows that none of these people could write the work they stole from me. They criticize me for being sensitive when my sensitivity is what made my music and comedy great. Why can't we just lock them away where they can't poison any more people with their fucking obnoxious hate?

As for broadcasters, presenting heartless psychopaths as Jesus with my music and comedy may be the most unspeakably evil thing that has ever happened in broadcasting. Such hypocrites won't admit it after they were so keen to commit it.

Well, I'm sensitive but I'm also tough. You should see my new leather cap. I wear it so I don't have to look like a pussy with an umbrella. I'm going to put a badge on it now and walk up and down East Hastings Street looking for trouble. That'll show them.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Pain in the Abdomen

A Pain in the Abdomen
I was thinking today about how many thousands of times my songs were announced by their titles on the rock radio over the last ten years and how every time a fraud was named as the author. They stole a lot of songs so this happened thousands and thousands of times. And now who is the radio and TV using to make you reject me? What new star are they telling you about instead of admitting their crimes with my music and comedy?

They thought I'd have killed myself for them by now, treating me like such shit all the time, never letting me get an ounce of respect as long as I live. But I'm still here, eh? No thanks to them. And I'll be practicing my music more and more over the months to come. I still think people will want to come out and see a man in suspenders playing hard rock as long as they know he really needs the suspenders to take the stress off his abdomen - that it's not just to look cool.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Still Practicing

Still Practicing
Almost at the end of another year. I spent a quarter of this year working around the clock to rewrite poetry I'd lost from previous posts. I had to face down more music crimes from sharing my songs. Had to face it all down myself against wealthy rock stars. And the fucking rock station wants to talk about Keith Richards surviving another year. The billionaire rock star survived another year? That's amazing.

They want you to be glad that Keith Richards survives because he needs love to keep him happy. He sure doesn't need money. I do though. But I didn't get paid for my music as well as he did either. And the radio wants you to love people who steal my songs because you can't do so without rejecting me. They want you to reject me.

But you already accepted my music or you would have told those bands who stole it not to play it. You liked my music and now the radio wants you to reject its author. This is corrupt, irresponsible mass manipulation. If any rock musicians should be credited with surviving, it should be the ones who get regularly punched in the face by radio crimes and still practice their songs, like myself. This broadcast abuse adds more to my grief, but can take it.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Plastic Enemies

Plastic Enemies
I don't have much hope for the future with the way the internet is going. Computers are too good at pleasing us. Pretty soon those interactive effects are going to take over. Imagine the possibilities for an online sex hostess with the right remote control joystick. Men will stop working and just stay home with their computers as the internet gets more and more depraved. I think we can count on God to thoroughly obliterate such a civilization.

Of course, this is just how things are going right now. They could change with genetic engineering. At some point our successors may get rid of their sex organs since they won't need them to reproduce. If they're going to be intelligent enough to survive the internet, it might even be necessary. Sex isn't smart. Sex organs often make poor decisions and are in constant conflict with the brain, like in that song Better run, girl/You're much too young, girl...

At least it's not such a bad time in history to be single, though we could be paying for it with the dreary weather. (I miss those big snowflakes we used to get back east. You could make out their individual shapes as they lightly fell.) I hope I live long enough to be able to build my own army of fembots. I won't use them to take over the world, I just need them for myself. They look good and they damn well do what they're told. Until then at least I still have that song, With better curves than her Barbie/Woh-oh-oh-oh/Inviting men to be her Ken/Who-oh-oh-oh...
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2016. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Culture Shock

Culture Shock
I couldn't make it to the end of my set yesterday because I got too drunk. Alcohol slows down my upstrokes when I'm strumming my power chords. But at least I tried. I got to the end the day before. Am I in trouble for publicly admitting that I got drunk? This is where we can open up a discussion of Anglo-American culture.

Anglo culture is uptight. This is just the best word to describe it, except perhaps 'hypocritical'. It restricts drinking hours and condemns sex. English people still drink and go to strip joints, but they have to go to Quebec if they want the party to continue through the night. Maybe it has something to do with the money, but Anglo-American people frown more on fun.

In Quebec it's okay to have sex on the bus as long as you cover yourselves with a blanket. People understand. And if you need booze, you don't have to travel farther than the convenience store. You can walk around with a bottle in your hand and a girl wrapped around your waist and wave hi to all the neighbors and no one gives it a second thought. And girls are encouraged by the government to start mating early. Their government wants to try to catch up with the English population over the next four generations.

As for me, I don't know what I'm doing here in Vancouver. They have a nude beach here and it's expanding into my neighborhood. They better let me keep my clothes on - if only for the children - or I'm going to have to find somewhere else to live.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2016. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.