Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Three Trends I May Have Started

Three Trends I May Have Started
I was assaulted by another Tom Hanks movie billboard on the side of a bus. You advertising people who love to torture me with your fraud supporting commercials will pay for your insolence against a commercial talent. Now, another fucking asshole who owes me money wants to fuck me with his fucking stardom and this must be the tenth time I've had report it in public. So Tom Hanks is the greasy fucker who tried to make people think he wrote my poem, the Veteran, which I wrote for my recently deceased father. He cashed in the trend I started among young people towards World War II memorabilia with his Saving Private Ryan. I created the market for that movie by my enthusiastic posts about my veteran dad. And CBC also aired a production at the time called Children of Men. And they wanted me to feel as small as possible while they were cashing in my World War Two trend. In 2008 I reposted my poem the Veteran amid a chorus of online hate and played the Star Spangled Banner on my guitar with reflections from Private Ryan visible in my guitar. I could have used any colour war movie, but Private Ryan was the most available. I left Tom Hanks's face out of it, but some jerk at YouTube stuck his face back in, probably to make it look like I was ripping off his image. Fuck, it upsets me to recall all this. Anyway, that video was lost when I gave my old computer to Roxanna's mother, so I can't repost the video if you liked it.

And what was another trend I started with my blogs back between 1999 and 2007? How about secret religious codes? Didn't I have a fascination with secret information that was held by the church? I may have posted a blog about something like that. Who cashed in that trend?

What other trends might I have started between 1999 and 2007? Wasn't I keen on ancient anomalies like the pyramids? Wasn't I into Chariots of the Gods? Who all cashed in that trend?

It doesn't pay to start trends from your blogger account, does it? You can see from their new cover page that they don't expect you to publish anything outstanding here. If you do, I guess they think it looks better on TV with someone else stealing it than with your name and face on your own work.
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